His family is not sure he is alive.

  • Oct, Tue, 2024

Relatives of Américo de Grazia expressed their concern on Monday about the lack of information about the whereabouts of the political leader, after two months of arbitrary detention. His daughter, María Andreina de Grazia, denounces that The family still does not know if the politician is alive.

“Today, the pain is even stronger than 62 days ago,” said María Andreina in a statement broadcast on social networks, in which she described the uncertainty they are experiencing. “Two months without hearing his voice, without being able to see him, without being able to hug him, without being able to know if he is okay.”

His daughter’s testimony reflects the family’s desperation to obtain information about the former deputy to the National Assembly and his physical and health conditions.

“The worst thing is that, two months after his arbitrary detention, his relatives do not even have certainty that the fight we have been fighting for 62 days is going to be worth it,” he said.

«Their relatives We have shouted to the world about the enormous injustice that is being committed against my father and thousands of Venezuelans who live the same reality,” added the young woman.

The video that María Andreina shared contains a brief statement from the leader during a political event: “The fate that befalls this country, the Venezuelans, “It is the destiny of freedom and democracy.”

Where is Americo de Grazia?

Américo de Grazia is detained in El Helicoide, one of the two headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service in Caracas. Two months ago, on August 8, his family reported that they were unaware of the charges against him and demanded proof of his life.

“We don’t know what condition they have him in,” María Andreina expressed at that time.

He also recalled that his father, like several leaders of the democratic opposition, was being persecuted after the presidential elections of July 28.

The La Causa R party recalled that the arrest of Américo de Grazia occurred only hours after denounced on his social networks the “arbitrary detention” of Carlos Chancellor, former mayor of Tumeremo, in the state of Bolívar.

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