Christmas will begin on October 1st in Venezuela

  • Sep, Tue, 2024

Nicolás Maduro announced on Monday that Christmas will officially begin on October 1 in Venezuela, amidst the tensions generated by the allegations of fraud in the presidential elections of July 28.

According to the official, his decision is a response to “gratitude” towards the Venezuelan people.

«In tribute to you, in gratitude to you, I am going to decree the advancement of Christmas to October 1st,” Maduro said during his weekly program With Maduro +.

«Christmas starts on October 1st, for everyone! Christmas is here, with peace, happiness and safety! he added.

The surprising announcement came in a context of deep political and social crisis, marked by repression and persecution of opponents, which has generated a climate of fear and tension in the country.

The announcement came just after the arrest warrant against opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, accused of terrorism-related crimes.

This movement has been interpreted as a strategy to divert attention of growing tension and social discontent. Analysts also suggest that the advancement of the Christmas holidays could be an attempt by Maduro to create an illusion of normality and peace in the midst of chaos.

This measure could also be seen as a tactic to gain time and reduce international and local pressure on the Chavista regime.

What does it mean that Maduro is bringing forward Christmas?

Basically, with the advance of Christmas ordered by Maduro, the installation of lights, Christmas trees and other decorations in squares, parks and main avenues begins. In addition, Concerts, fairs and activities are organized which include political proselytism.

Nicolás Maduro has brought forward Christmas celebrations in Venezuela on several occasions.

For example, in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, he announced the start of the festivities on October 15, once again as a maneuver to divert public attention from the serious problems the country was facing.

The following year, in 2021, he also announced the early arrival of Christmas on October 4.

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