IACHR grants precautionary measures to Perkins Rocha

  • Sep, Tue, 2024

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted the Resolution 61/2024which granted precautionary measures for the benefit of Perkins Rocha Contreras after considering that they are in a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable damage to their rights in Venezuela. The request was made by the Casla Institute, headed by Tamara Sujú.

“The requesting party indicated that Perkins Rocha Contreras is the Legal Coordinator of the Vente Venezuela party and representative of the Comando Venezuela before the National Electoral Council. He is a lawyer and personal advisor to María Corina Machado, National Coordinator of the Vente Venezuela party,” wrote the IACHR.

The commission detailed that Perkins Rocha was arrested on August 27, 2024 by hooded and armed officers, who, after a strong struggle, allegedly took him away without an arrest warrant.

“Since then, his official whereabouts have been unknown. According to public information, the wife of the proposed beneficiary received a message that Mr. Rocha is at the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), a place where they had previously denied his presence,” the main and autonomous body of the OAS stressed.

After analyzing the factual and legal allegations made by the requesting party, the IACHR considered that the proposed beneficiary is in a serious and urgent situation, given that his whereabouts are unknown to date. Consequently, based on Article 25 of its Regulations, the IACHR Commission requests Venezuela that:

  1. take the necessary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Perkins Rocha Contreras. In particular, among others, report whether the beneficiary is in State custody at the headquarters of the Sebin and the circumstances of his detention; specify whether the beneficiary was brought before a competent court to review his detention after having been charged with crimes, or, otherwise, specify the reasons why he has not been released to date; and guarantee the beneficiary’s contact with his family and trusted lawyers, providing them with minimum official information on his legal situation.
  2. implement the necessary measures so that the beneficiary can carry out his or her activities as a member of an opposition party without being subject to threats, harassment or acts of violence; and
  3. report on the actions taken to investigate the alleged events that gave rise to this precautionary measure and thus prevent their repetition.

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