Maduro hands over “evidence” of US conspiracy to UN

  • Sep, Sat, 2024

Nicolás Maduro handed over this Friday to Resident Coordinator of the United Nations (UN) in the country, Gianluca Rampolla, “evidence” of an alleged conspiracy that, according to the state channel VTV, is being hatched in the United States against the Chavista government.

Ripe held a meeting with Rampolla, also the UN humanitarian coordinator in Venezuela“with the purpose of presenting evidence about the conspiracy that is being promoted from Washington against Caracas, according to the VTV report that was broadcast on Telegram.

The state channel broadcast images of the meeting, which took place hours after a telephone conversation between Maduro and UN Secretary General António Guterres.

Before meeting Rampolla, Maduro – in another televised event – explained that he had promised Guterres to hold this meeting “to provide him with much more detailed information about the conspiracy that is being promoted from US territory.”

This is a plan “to bring violence and terrorist attacks against Venezuela,” he added.

The Chavista leader denounced that his government faces “external aggressions,” after the elections of July 28, in which he was declared the winner, a result that has been questioned inside and outside the country, especially after the accusation of fraud made by the majority opposition.

This involves the “hiring of mercenaries to invade the country and assassination attempts” and a campaign on “social networks, in which they even promote the collection of funds to carry out attacks against institutions,” according to Maduro’s warning – the Executive explained in a press release – in his telephone conversation with Guterres.

Maduro was referring to a campaign promoted by the American military businessman Erik Prince, in which – through social networks – Calls for $10 million to “restore democracy” in the South American nation, an initiative that has received more than a million dollars in the last five days, according to the movement’s website.

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