New evidence against Nicolás Maduro presented to the International Criminal Court

  • Sep, Mon, 2024

Walter Márquez, director general of the International Committee against Impunity in Venezuela (CICIVEN), presented new evidence to the International Criminal Court (ICC) crimes against humanity against Nicolás Maduro.

The human rights activist said he was at the ICC on September 12 to submit a document in which he called on the International Court Procedural speed in the investigation of the Venezuela I casefor crimes against humanity and life imprisonment against Nicolás Maduro.

What new evidence has been presented against Nicolás Maduro before the International Criminal Court?

During a conference in Madrid, organized by the Geopolitical Observatory of Latin America (OGAL) chaired by Antonio Ledezma, former parliamentarian and former mayor of Caracas, he indicated that he presented evidence on the persecution, deportation, displacement and destruction of more than 200 homes of Colombian citizens during the border closure beginning on August 19, 2015.

“There are more than 11,560 victims who came forward in the appeals of the Venezuela I case, after the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, opened the investigation on November 3, 2021,” said Márquez.

He explained that the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court ratified the prosecutor’s authority to open the investigation on June 27, 2023, and that the Appeals Chamber confirmed it on March 1, 2024.

He said that he expanded the collection of information on 24,000 victims who are documented in the Single Registry of Victims, a case that was recorded in January 2016 and then ratified in 2019.

“This is new evidence of criminal liability against the Head of State and members of his government team, such as the Attorney General, the Comptroller General, rectors and magistrates of the CNE and the TSJ,” he said.

Márquez believes that at this time when Venezuela is seeking a political and peaceful solution to its democratic crisis, “the International Criminal Court must act by exercising justice.”

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