Media Monitoring


俄烏最新戰報:普京放狠話: 若美解禁烏武器,將與北約開戰!庫爾斯克浮橋被毀,俄軍偷襲失敗!印造核潛艇!#俄羅斯 #烏克蘭 #美國 #news #military #印度

开通了会员功能,兄弟们有兴趣的可以捧个场哈~感谢了~: 00:00 摘要 00:12 頭條資訊 06:59 要聞匯總 11:18 補充消息 普京稱 如果美國解禁烏克蘭武器 就宣戰北約 庫爾斯克俄軍偷建浮橋企圖偷襲 卻被海馬斯團滅 印度制造第二艘核潛艇 Putin said If the U.S. Lifts the Ban on Ukrainian Arms Just declare war…

  • Sep, Sat, 2024
Saddam chides Imbert over new tax law

SADDAM HOSEIN, Barataria/San Juan MP, accused Finance Minister Colm Imbert of replacing the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) with his own office as having responsibility to convey taxpayers’ details to…

  • Sep, Sat, 2024
Breadfruit love

Breadfruit, aptly named as history dictates that it once served as a main source of nourishment for the enslaved, who were brought to the Caribbean to work on the sugar…