Political and Security Crises in Afghanistan: The Future of the National Unity Government

May 2, 2016 – The Middle East Institute’s (MEI) Louis R. Hughes Lecture Series was pleased to host Ali Jalali, Michael Kugelman, Omar Samad, and Scott Smith for an examination of the political and security challenges facing Afghanistan’s government and how they are likely to play out over the next several months.

Public confidence in Afghanistan has been shaken by deteriorating security, a stagnant economy, and factionalism. Many question if parliamentary elections can be organized on schedule, or be seen as legitimate if they happen. If milestones on the constitutional roadmap – electing a parliament, convening a Loya Jirga, establishing the office of prime minister – are not met, what consequences could follow? Can the government and army reverse Taliban gains and reduce the violence plaguing the country? And what more can the U.S. and international partners do to promote security and stability?

MEI’s Marvin Weinbaum moderated the discussion.

More information: http://www.mei.edu/events/political-and-security-crises-afghanistan-future-national-unity-government
