Ragbir signals possible departure from House

  • Oct, Wed, 2024

Opposition MP Dr Rai Ragbir yesterday teased about joining the People’s National Movement as he began his contribution to the 2025 Budget debate.

As he rose, Ragbir, who was backbenched by his party after he supported the PNM in June during debate on the Whistleblower legislation, said his contribution was his penultimate one unless Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says otherwise.

“This might be my penultimate presentation, or depends on the honourable Prime Minister, I may have another opportunity to have another budget speech,” he said to the echoes of “Ooohs” and thumping of the desk by his fellow backbencher Rodney Charles.

Ragbir, along with Charles, Anita Haynes-Alleyne, Rushton Paray and Dinesh Rambally, have all been sidelined by their party after challenging Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s slate in the internal elections in June.

Ragbir continued to stoke the fire by describing previous speaker Dr Amery Browne’s contribution as “divinely edifying” and “fantastic.”

Ragbir, who told Guardian Media last month that he will not be seeking re-election, at least on a UNC ticket, yesterday paid tribute to his Cumuto/Manzanilla constituents who elected him to be their voice in the House.

Ragbir said he was both a man of science and faith, adding there are many who are losing faith in politicians, some of whom have selfishly put their own interest ahead of the interest of the people, which he will not do.

“One of the proudest moments of this house was my decision to vote in favour of the whistleblower legislation. I did so because my constituents expressed concerns to me that they want to report instances of corruption but were afraid to do so for fear of reprisal.”

He said he was aware that he lost favour with some of his colleagues but made no apologies for doing his duty to his constituency and country.

“I have been forsaken and basically thrown away. If there are those prepared to stand idly by and ignore injustice, corruption, abuses, out of fear or own selfish desires, then that is their decision.”

Reading an excerpt from the Book of Galatians 6:9, Ragbir said there are those who are afraid of doing what is right because the wicked will always win, adding that the scripture admonishes the believer not to get weary in doing what’s right.

He said the budget “looked fair” to him, as the Government looked at what is happening in the world. —Jensen La Vende

The post Ragbir signals possible departure from House first appeared on CNC3.