Rust, dirt in WASA water

  • Aug, Wed, 2024

THE EDITOR: It is with hope that I write this public letter to Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA).

Residents of Siewdass Road, Freeport and others who are being provided by your new source of water since January have seen a drastic decline in the quality of water. There’s more rust and dirt which any simple filtration test can show.

I’m not even seeking in this letter to highlight that these paying customers get water only once a week now, but to remind WASA, which is the sole water provider in TT, that on July 28, 2010, the United Nations General Assembly, through Resolution A/RES/64/292, declared that safe and clean drinking water is a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life, and all other human rights.

Please, WASA, I implore you to do better for this area and others like it in our beloved country.


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The post Rust, dirt in WASA water appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.