Suspension of flights to Panama, the Dominican Republic and Peru will have negative consequences for the sector

  • Sep, Fri, 2024

The Higher Council of Tourism of Venezuela (Conseturismo) warned the State that maintain the suspension measures for international flights to and from our country of three important air routes such as Panama, Dominican Republic, Peru will bring serious consequences to the sector.

In a statement, Conseturismo urged the national government to reconsider and not extend the flight suspension measures, which now adds Chile to the list.

«Given the possibility that this measure will be extended again, the tourism business associations, as the expiration of the official notification issued by the national aeronautical authority (NOTAM of the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics – INAC), of September 29, which refers to “Panama, the Dominican Republic and Peru and the uncertainty generated by another possible extension for an additional month, we consider it timely and urgent that we make a call to alert the competent authorities about the serious negative consequences that the repetition of such a measure entails,” the text indicated. .

Suspension of flights leaves serious economic consequences for Venezuela

Prolong the commercial air isolation of Venezuela, represents a hard blow for the sector, tourism and its entire value chain at the national levelwhich is considered an important economic engine that generates employment and well-being, Conseturismo warns.

«The effects will continue to severely affect its normal and productive functioning and They could put jobs and the country’s economic recovery at risk.«added the statement.

The flight suspension measure, in addition to generating uncertainty and economic damage, drastically limits the mobility of Venezuelans and restricts the flow of tourists to our country.

“The image of Venezuela as a tourist destination is seriously affected, discouraging tourism supply, foreign investment and making it difficult to promote our heritage attractions, reducing the competitiveness of our sector in the international tourism market,” they concluded.

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