They ask the world to defend the human rights of Venezuelans

  • Oct, Tue, 2024

Citizen groups, NGOs and members of civil society did so from American and European countries. a call to the international community to protect the human rights, life and dignity of Venezuelansgiven what happened after the presidential elections of July 28.

Through a statement, the signatories demanded “concrete actions to stop persecution, free political prisoners and guarantee a transition to democracy while respecting the will of a country.”

They highlighted the responsibility of the international community as a conglomerate of institutions and people that must promote human well-being, regardless of ideologies, race or religion, as well as the importance of respect for the dignity of people. Mentions the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the basis of international action.

«They are urged to pay attention to the situation in Venezuelaevoking the statements of a former director of the UN who prevented the international community from continuing to look the other way in the face of serious crises, as happened initially with the dictatorships in Chile and Argentina,” the statement says.

Human rights violations in Venezuela

The text also denounces the abuses of power in Venezuela during the last 25 years, referring to massive displacements, human rights violations and the exclusion of millions of Venezuelans from the electoral process. Likewise, it emphasizes that the sovereignty and self-determination of Venezuela resides in its people, not in its rulers, in accordance with article 5 of the Constitution.

“The general message is a call to the international community to actively and genuinely support the Venezuelan people in the face of these violations of their rights,” indicated the more than 400 signatories of the statement.

They demanded action from the international community in the face of crimes against humanity in Venezuela, aggravated after the recent presidential elections. And they highlighted a series of concerns, including the violent repression against protesters, activists, human rights defenders, journalists, minors and people with different abilities.

The statement emphasizes the absence of the rule of law and the abuse of power by those who have control of weapons and institutions in the country.

It also details the criminalization of sectors of the population through accusations of terrorism and fascism, the arbitrary arrests of thousands of citizens; between the deterioration of living conditions in the country and especially in areas such as the Orinoco Mining Arc, where environmental rights are also violated with the complicity of the State by parastatal armed groups.

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