Venezuelan teachers’ salaries to be adjusted to 400 dollars

  • Sep, Tue, 2024

Carmen Teresa Márquez, president of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers, proposed that the salary of the teachers that adjustment between $300 and $400 per month.

This figure must approaching the value of the Family Food Basket to ensure that educators have their basic needs met, Márquez said in an interview with VPI TV.

“We propose that it be equal to or slightly less than the Family Food Basket. A teacher should earn between 300 and 400 dollars“It has to be on par with the Food Basket,” he said.

Teachers with more than 21 years of service and postgraduate training earn only $30 a month, which has generated a growing crisis in the education sector.

The leader said she hopes that the Minister of Education, Héctor Rodríguez, will discuss the third collective agreement with the union and address the problem of low wages.

“(We demand) an increase in teachers’ salaries sooner rather than later, so that have motivated educators who can go to schools from Monday to Friday; “that they have enough to buy, to dress, to pay for transportation; and not to have mosaic schedules, but to go to classes five days a week,” he said.

He also warned that the 2024-2025 school year will start with a significant shortage of teachers due to lack of economic incentives and difficult working conditions.

«We are in an educational crisis»

«We are starting a school year with a significant shortage of teachers in the country’s schools. I don’t know what the ministry is going to do to fill these vacancies. “We are in an educational crisis, we are ending up in a crisis and we are beginning in a crisis due to the lack of teachers and salaries,” he warned.

The price of the food basket in the country exceeds 500 dollars, but the salaries of teachers in Venezuela are much lower.

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